What the cards have to say...
omFor the past two days I've been mulling over (if not frantically thinking) C.C.'s idea of joining her and Clara for the DDD anthology. So many questions had popped into my head. Should I do this? Is it something I can commit to? Am I qualified as a writer to write a 25K story of quality? Let's face it, can I do this? Or should I bow out? I'm barely a beginner in this whole erotic romance writing, would I set them back? Can I measure up to them? Yep, you guessed it. Insecurity has reared its ugly head once again. *sighs* Finally tonight I decided to consult my trusty pal - my subconcious. I took out my tarot cards and did a simple three-throw card (past, present, future). This is what I got: ![]() in the Past position. A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past. You are faced with the opportunity to partner with someone, whether it is a romantic union or a business venture. Whichever it is, the potential for creating something very special is there. Honor the gift of the moment and enjoy the moment. Two of Swords ![]() in the Present position. A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time. You are faced with a decision and you aren’t sure what to do. You have to decide. Remove your blindfold and look squarely at the situation. Most likely you know what to do but are afraid. ![]() in the Future position. A card in the right position indicates your questions future. You are at a propitious point. You are given a gift, an idea, a project, or career opportunity. Take advantage of it with confidence and be grateful. Sounds like I did the right thing by accepting C.C.'s joint venue. And haven't I been complaining about the lack of challenges in my life, about how bored I am because life has become a humdrum? Well, here is a challenge indeed. *g* |
Comments on "What the cards have to say..."
That sounds like a concise answer to me :)
Those are beautiful tarot cards, Silma!
Yes, they are, Bonnie! They're from the Gilded Tarot deck. I bought it before I began the first NaNo challenge back in 2004, and I love it!
Congrats!!! I think I need to do my cards. ;-)
Jordan - I'm trying to learn how to use the cards to move the plot forward when I'm stuck. Let's face it, they're a good writing tool. *lol*