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Sunday, March 13, 2005

How to catch a Capricorn man...

Today I took my mom to the mall. While she window-shopped, I went to Borders. I started browsing the romance novel section, but ended up at the new age section. (Nothing new there since I love browsing that section too.) Grabbing a few books on sun signs, I settled down in one of their (very) comfortable chairs to read them. Next thing I know I was thinking about the Liquid Silver Books - The Zodiac Series Writing Contest and the cover of the book for Capricorn.

And when I read about my compatible sign being Capricorn, a thought came to me, "How do you catch a Capricorn man?" Sighing, I tried to ignore the sliver of an idea growing in my mind. But the more I ignored it, the more I kept seeing it in my head. So I gave up and took out my PC Pocket and foldable keyboard. Setting it all up comfortably on my lap, I started typing a few ideas for a story and copying things from the books. People would stare at me as if I were crazy. Well, actually I think they were really staring at my iPaq hooked to its foldable keyboard, which they didn't know it was possible. (At least that's what I wish to believe.) Mind you, I'm not saying that I'm planning to submit it to the contest. I don't need that stress. But at least the Muses are quite now...

Comments on "How to catch a Capricorn man..."


Blogger Silma said ... (9:08 AM) : 

I've got like 3 stories based on the same premise. But my Muses are still trying to decide which one to go with.


Blogger Tracy Sharp - Author of the Leah Ryan Series said ... (4:03 PM) : 

Go for it, Silma! I think 'How to Catch a Capricorn Man' is a terrific idea! Sounds like it would be a fun story. I was going to try and submit for the capricorn slot but my story idea just became really creepy. I write thrillers, and I think my stuff is way too dark for that contest.

But I would love to see you write that story and win! Do it!


Blogger Silma said ... (10:26 AM) : 

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Trace! I don't know if I'll enter the contest since I'm not a contest person. But I won't deny my Muses and will write the story. Last time I didn't pay attention to them, they got pissed with me and I didn't hear from them in two months. It's not good to anger the Muses. *chuckles*


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