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Sunday, February 06, 2005

Is this a sign?

There's going to be a workshop called "Recipe for Memorable Characters" given by Sheryl Woods at RWAonline starting on Valentine's Day. I've been trying to sign up for it for almost a week. First, I tried their website form. It didn't work. So I sent them an email from work. Still when I got home I tried their website again, and finally I was able to sign up online. However, I'd not heard about them so I figured the application didn't get through. Now Jo emails me telling that there was a snag when they uploaded the new website look. Okay, Universe, is this another sign or something?

Comments on "Is this a sign?"


Blogger Lynn said ... (1:33 AM) : 

Oh, Silma, that sucks! Did Jo finally get it straightened out for you? I managed to sign up as soon as it was announced we could. Yup. I've signed up for another workshop. *g*


Blogger Silma said ... (3:41 PM) : 

Yep, Jo was able to sort out this mess! Thank goodness. =)


Blogger Silma said ... (2:57 PM) : 

Yep. Jo was able to straighten all up, Theresa. So I'm ready for Sherryl Woord's workshop next week. I hope it helps me kickstart my muse.


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