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Sunday, January 30, 2005

Pantser, I am!

During the course of the chat with Kayla Perrin tonight, I learned a new word, pantser. It means "writing from the seat of your pants." Yep, that's the kind of writer I am. If the Muses hit me hard, I just sit before the computer and type my way into another world. No outlines. No synopsis. No filling out bare bone sheets. Just me, right in the moment, my fingers on the keyboard as words pour from my brain.

Comments on "Pantser, I am!"


Blogger Lynn said ... (1:27 AM) : 

LOL! I've gone from total pantser to pantser/plotter combo. I don't write with a full synopsis and all those worksheets filled out, but I do have a bare bones outline, and at least know my "guidepost events". Beyond that, I sit down with my laptop, open my story file and yell, "Come and get me! I dare ya!" Often gets strange looks from my husband.


Blogger Silma said ... (3:17 PM) : 

Lynn, now that I'm learning the "rules" I'm becoming less of a pantser. I'm starting to plan things more. However, writing is becoming less fun too.


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