Am I willing to try?
I was surfing the web, procrastinating as it has become my habit lately, looking for articles on writing, when I came across another writing contest. This one is from Aphrodite Unlaced called Sexual Healing. The entries should be short stories: 3000-5000 words. The deadline is on Feb. 28. Tempting, isn't it? I admit that my head was already calculating how many words I'd have to write per day, and how long it'd take me to finish the story, send it to critique and edit it. I even researched the web for a title (I thought of Sex Shooter, after the song by that barely-remembered, 80's trio Apollonia 6 or Sexual Healing from Marvin Gaye). But deep inside I think I'm setting up myself for another failure, like I did with the Amber Quill Press contest.
Speaking of it, AQP posted the winners of the Amber Heat Wave. As I read the list, I felt mixed emotions. A part of me was angry at myself for not having given it a try. But another (and perhaps bigger) part of me felt relieved that I hadn't entered the contest at all. Oh well... *sighs* It's been a very long day at work, so I don't feel like sitting to analyze these feelings. |
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