13,600 / 20,000 (68%)

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7,926 / 8,000 (99.1%)

S.M. (Book 1)
580 / 10,000 (5.8%)

S.M. (Book 2)
1,010 / 10,000 (10%)

4,032 / 10,000 (40.5%)

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Saturday, January 01, 2005

I've got the title

You know, it never ceases to amaze me how easily I can come up with titles for my stories (sometimes even before I’ve an idea of what to write). I just wish stories would come up that easily too. Anyway, here I was a few minutes ago just brushing my hair when I noticed the tiny ankh dangling from my loop earring, and suddenly the title for the new story hit me.

The Sisterhood of Isis. That's the title for this new story. At first I thought of calling it Fellowship of Isis, but then I remember that an organization already exists with that name so I tweaked it a bit. Besides, I feel Sisterhood of Isis is a more appropriate title since it's about a secret society made up of women.

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