Today's card: Death
![]() Big changes are heading your way. Usually this change refers to something in your lifestyle; an old attitude or perspective is no longer useful and you have to let go of it. While the Hanged Man was a card of voluntary sacrifice, the Death card is a forced sacrifice - but that does not mean that it is not for your own good. Sometimes you cannot see how your attitudes are hurting you, and when that is true, the Death card is your wake-up call. Death is not simply destruction; it is destruction followed by renewal. Even though one door may have closed, another is opening.Yesterday's outburst about ebook covers caused some controversy - especially among those epublished writers. I'm sorry if my attitude in some way hurt someone; it wasn't my intention. Still, I won't retract of my words because they stemmed from a real concern. However, I've been thinking about it. I won't say that I've been hasty in my words, but perhaps, I should bend a bit. Since I'm starting to target small presses for my novellas, maybe they might allow me to supply my own artwork instead of using theirs. That's one of the things that I could look into before submitting. |
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