13,600 / 20,000 (68%)

Samba story
7,926 / 8,000 (99.1%)

S.M. (Book 1)
580 / 10,000 (5.8%)

S.M. (Book 2)
1,010 / 10,000 (10%)

4,032 / 10,000 (40.5%)

ASPCA Day is April 10

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I heard from my WCP

It has been almost 3 weeks since I last heard from Sarah, who wanted to be my WCP. I emailed her my weekly goals twice on respective Mondays. Since I didn't hear from her again, I gave up and didn't email her again. Tonight I just opened my email to find a message from her. Her husband was involved in a bad car accident, and they've been dealing with all sort of things like insurance and stuff. Then she's got a call from Challenging Press,(Congrats Sarah!) so she was busy editing.

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