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Thursday, April 07, 2005

RD Bootcamp: Day 4

Briana sent me a little sample of her writing. I tried to read while at work, but all the talk around me didn't allow me to concentrate.

I had hoped to come up with at least a chapter (or a reasonable facsimile) to send to my mentor tonight. But, alas, it wasn't meant to be. Although good ole Stevie Nicks came through for me, like she always does when she sings, I think "Angel of My Dreams" is a title best suited for my angel series. Instead I sent her the prologue and chapters 1 - 3 of MM & RW (yes, I dared to include the dreaded chapter 3). That should keep her entertained for the weekend, while I whipped something for the contests. *g*

Comments on "RD Bootcamp: Day 4"


Blogger Eva Gale said ... (10:12 PM) : 

I freakin' Love it!

This will be published!!!!


Blogger Crystal* said ... (12:26 PM) : 

Well, Silma, looks like Briana is fond of your writing. *grinning*
I understand about the quiet factor. I need to be hermetically sealed in a room before I can be as productive as I want.


Blogger Silma said ... (8:23 AM) : 

Sherri, I think Jax was wise to send me Briana for mentor. How are you doing with your understudy? =)


Blogger Silma said ... (8:29 AM) : 

Briana, that was a polished one. I'm gonna send you one that hasn't been tortured in any critique group, and you might change your tune. *lol*


Blogger Silma said ... (8:30 AM) : 

Chrys, I don't mind having music blaring through my headphones. But this constant chatter in my office. AAGH!!!


Blogger Silma said ... (8:48 AM) : 

A.D., I've been about to call 911! I'm going through a withdrawl! I need my RD! *lol*


Blogger Silma said ... (8:58 AM) : 

Teresa, I made a CD with only my fave songs from Stevie Nicks (I've got all her CDs). I'm playing it right now 'coz my Muses love her. *g*


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