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Thursday, April 14, 2005

RD Bootcamp: Day 11

Early this morning I had the "talk" with my boss. Needless to say, it went better than I thought I would. I went into her office, sat down, and told her the whole side of my story. Of course, she was clueless of what had transpired, so she phoned Human Resources to find out their side of the story. It all came down to nothing new basically. They are begrundgingly paying me the money, but from now on I can't accept any other workshop contract until I clear things up with them. On my part, I made my dissatisfaction with the whole incident clear. But I'm still simmering over the whole thing. It wasn't fair and I'm paying for it. Since my mind wasn't in the writing zone, I used my time to do some (much needed) research instead. In that way I felt like I didn't waste any time.

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