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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Today's predictions


February 18, 2006

Veering off the straight and narrow might be ever so tempting, but every time you try and do so, you're reminded of what's at stake. The stars have given you an extra dose of morality. Deal with it.

Tarot: One Card

You have the gift of thought. Use it rightly, to see the world clearly, to communicate well, and create a happy, healthy reality.

Runes: One Stone

The rune represents the critical factor in the issue at hand. Sowelu is a strong symbol, for it represents the sun. Unlike equatorial cultures that may see the sun as a harsh and imperial force capable of causing droughts, in the cold north the sun is a purely feminine force that gives life and allows crops to grow. In dark times, this rune represents clarity of sight and the victory of good over evil. Sowelu is irreversible, as the cycles of the sun and seasons are perpetual.

Comments on "Today's predictions"


Blogger Jordan Summers said ... (9:34 PM) : 

Sounds like that's a good reading for you. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:10 AM) : 

Sounds pretty good to me :)


Blogger Silma said ... (12:58 PM) : 

Jordan - Like you have no idea! Things have been going pretty smoothly this weekend. Even with my writing. It's scary but I'm making the best of it. *lol*


Blogger Silma said ... (12:58 PM) : 

Bonnie - At first I wasn't sure. Now I am. Yes, it is a good read. I'm amazed. *g*


Blogger Angela's Designs said ... (11:13 PM) : 

I got a fortune out of a machine recently. Never have had gone to tarot card reader though.


Blogger Silma said ... (9:27 AM) : 

Annalee - I don't believe in a tarot readers. I've gone to several, and one thing I've learned is that they're good at reading people. They begin by talking in general terms and watch for your reactions, then they narrow things down. That's why I learned to read the cards myself. *g*


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