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Sunday, May 01, 2005


I received an email from another RWC member who wants to be my Writing Challenge Partner. Her name is Tracy. She travels around the country fighting with swords. When I asked her if it was fencing, she told me she is into mace and broadswords. Is that cool or what?! And here I am, a Medieval freak who would love to take classes in one of those places that teaches you all about Medieval fighting. Anyway, I'm disgressing. *lol* I'm going to accept her because the other two WCP aren't working out. That means that this will be two WCP I'll have. Now, I wish someone would answer my RWC post for a critique partner. It's the only thing I don't have yet, and I'd like to have a CP very much.

Comments on "New WCP"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:05 PM) : 

Cp's are hard to find. Take your time.


You've been TAGGED


Blogger Lynn said ... (9:13 PM) : 

Good luck with the new WCP!

I can't remember offhand, do the Divas have a board for CPs?


Blogger Silma said ... (9:28 PM) : 

Yes, they do. I tried it. Only one person responded, and I never heard from her again.


Blogger Lynn said ... (3:27 PM) : 

Well, that bites. I wonder if it'd work better if you tried posting a call for a partner in the Critique Boutique?


Blogger Silma said ... (11:45 AM) : 

I thought about it, Lynn. But the truth is that at this point, I don't know if I should. Perhaps I should wait until I can come up with a completed WIP. So far I feel like I'm dabbling in this. *sighs*


Blogger Silma said ... (11:46 AM) : 

Gosh, you're the third one to tag me! *lol* I feel like a Bugs Bunny during rabbit season. Or is it Duck season?


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