Today's card: The World
![]() After every obstacle has been faced and surmounted, after every path has been travelled and charted, there remains only the last step to the next level of existence - the World, the final gateway. This journey is over and the next is only beginning. It represents the final achievement of all your worldly expectations and desires, and the immenent approach of new desires to follow and new goals to puruse. It would seem that the Fool's Journey may not have been so foolish after all.Since the Fool card, I've been on a journey of self-discovery, in relation to my writing and where I want to go. Looking back at my posts, I can say that I have confronted my fears openly. And gosh, I didn't know I was so prejudiced! Now, I find myself at crossroads. I'm still trying to deal with some of those issues. Honestly, I can't find that middle ground - that place where I'm willing to give in. Am I such a control freak that it might sabotage a possible writing career? Possibly. I'm not sure if the journey is really over. Or maybe it is. Perhaps a new journey is about to start. |
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