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Friday, April 29, 2005

RD Bootcamp: Day 26

Tonight I added a few more dialogue to yesterday's scene. It's coming out pretty hilarious. Well, maybe others won't find it funny. I've got a weird sense of humor anyway. *lol*

However, I don't know much about the plot of this story. I just got that one scene, but what trigger it? I don't have the faintest idea. I've spent part of this night trying to figure out where the scene fits in, but for the life of me, nothing pops into my mind. I thought about using it in "SOI," but it's too funny to fit in a suspense romance story. Even if I turned it into a sarcastic one, it still won't fit in it. Then I thought I could add it to "MM & RW." But the character of Jenny in that story isn't that knowledgeable about sex, so it won't work either. And I get the feeling that the heroine is going to have a big mouth and a bad-ass attitude to back it up.

Geez, but I barely know the name of the hero and heroine! I went over the character sheets, but somehow I couldn't dig what I'd written, so I threw away them away. When it comes to characters, I can't plan them out. *sighs*

Okay, so this counts as writing, but it's definitively something I can't send to my mentor. I've got nothing to work with. Just great... So "That Don't Impress Me Much" is filed under future stories.

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