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Saturday, March 19, 2005

Write what you enjoy reading, no?

This week Alison Kent blogged about writing what one enjoys reading the most. Today, since I didn't have much else to do at work, I started thinking about it. In a way what she said makes sense. If as a reader you're familiar with a certain genre, you are most likely to write and express yourself within that genre. That sounds about right, right?

Okay, so here is where this logic fails when applied to me.

The Hero

What I Enjoy Reading: I like reading about Alpha males as much as the girl-next-door. You know, alpha males? That man with the "macho" attitude. They know what's best for their women, since they don't trust them to make the right decisions. They consider their women as their property instead of their partners.

What I Write: In my books, all my males are Beta. They're intellectuals. Yet they're sexy and sensuous. The heroine falls in love with them. Yes, they're hot looking nerds. And their brains... Hmmm... You know, the brain is a sex organ too. *grins*

The Heroine

What I Enjoy Reading: Give me Anita Blake any time! I adore those butt-kicking heroines. They're fierce, independent. They know what they want and how to get it. They're educated.

What I write: My CPs describe my heroines as "sweet and cute." (Translation: Your heroines are a bunch of wimps!)

The Novel

What I Enjoy Reading: To me, there's nothing like laying in bed with a good romance novel. The darker the better. Oh, and those erotic romances... Hmm...

What I write: Lite (100% dark free) romantic comedies, which those who have read them say they are "cute." (Translation: Lame-o-rama!)

So even though it makes sense that as a aspiring writer one must write what one enjoys reading, I can't. I write what comes naturally for me - lame romantic comedies with beta males and wimpy heroines. Hear me roar! Grrr!

Comments on "Write what you enjoy reading, no?"


Blogger Crystal* said ... (12:53 AM) : 

You're too hard on yourself. *grins*
I'm sure you have your niche. But I'm wondering...as I read some of your other posts...do you write erotica, too?
And if YOU like what you write, then pffffffffttt.
Roar woman, roar.


Blogger Sela Carsen said ... (10:36 AM) : 

I think what we read has more of an influence than we know on what we write. I'm willing to bet you find yourself growing in a direction that gives the reader your own unique blend of characters, plot and setting in romance.


Blogger Lynn said ... (11:13 AM) : 

I love reading paranormals, but I can't write one to save my tail. But there are some things about the paranormals I've read that I've taken into my own work. Like Sherrilyn Kenyon's sarcastic characters--my characters are getting more sarcastic as I progress.

LMAO at lame-o-rama. I don't believe that for one minute.


Blogger Silma said ... (12:03 AM) : 

Well Chryscat, I tried to write erotica, but failed at it that I gave it up. *lol*


Blogger Silma said ... (12:05 AM) : 

Sela, I swear I've broken more rules by giving my characters, plot, and settings my "blend." *lol*


Blogger Silma said ... (12:06 AM) : 

Karin and Lynn - At least I'm witty. So someone might one to read my stories for it. *grins*


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