13,600 / 20,000 (68%)

Samba story
7,926 / 8,000 (99.1%)

S.M. (Book 1)
580 / 10,000 (5.8%)

S.M. (Book 2)
1,010 / 10,000 (10%)

4,032 / 10,000 (40.5%)

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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Doing some snooping

I know what I want from this story, but it's like I don't know what to expect from AQP. I know I should be prepared for rejection letters. It's part of the writing job. Anyway, I've been having so much trouble coming up with the rest of my story. I didn't think it would be this hard, since it has to be 5,000 - 12,000 words. Then I sat to think and figured I might be having trouble because I don't know what AQP looks for in their erotic romances. So I went about downloading a couple of stories from 'Heat Wave' to see what they're looking for. Some were slightly steamier than others, but nothing too erotic. I think I have a much clearer idea of what they are looking for.

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