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Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Day 2 of my new challenge

I've been sitting before the computer for almost 6 hours, staring at the screening, and nothing pops into my mind. I've not been able to come up with a single scene after the prologue. Not even a good dialogue. After all, I tend to come up with dialogues faster, and then I embellish them with all the "authory thingy." But not this time. I've drawn blank. *sighs* This happens 'coz I wasted too much time editing the prologue. If I had left it alone... Oh well...

I should go into the NaNo mode - write, write, write, and don't edit. Otherwise I know I'm going to get stuck. I need to set myself a goal of number of words to write per day. I think I should stick to 1,667, like I did with the NaNo.

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