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Sunday, March 20, 2005

One of my WCP writes for Champagne Books

Nancy Henderson, one of my WCP, was contracted by Champagne Books a few weeks ago, and I couldn't be happier for her. *g* As I browsed its website, I found out she is already listed as one of their writers. This is so cool! Now, when she is a famous writer, I can say I used to know her. *lol*

BTW, I noticed that EPPIE winner (and tough critiquer - but I still love each of her comments) Lynne Connolly, who I've known from RWCcritique, is also one of Champagne Books' writers. That's great! And Lynn, congrats on the EPPIE!

Comments on "One of my WCP writes for Champagne Books"


Blogger Lynn said ... (11:07 AM) : 

I'm on a couple different lists with Lynne Connolly, and although I've never seen one of her crits (I'm not a member of RWC critique), I've always found her posts to be well thought out, insightful, and intelligent.

Congrats to your WCP! I've been hearing good things about Champagne Books.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:29 PM) : 

This is so great! I saw her name on the Champagne Books site. I've been considering them for my romantic suspense. Right now they're third on the submission list.


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